Model : C500-LK103.
PCF.Model: CPM2C-16ETM. Units with transistor outputs only.
1 MIL connector.
Outputs: 16 outputs.
Input type: 24 VDC.
Output type: sinking transistor.
Name: External Connector.
Model: C500-CE405.
Specifications: Crimp-style terminal; 40p and a Connector Cover (Horizontal-
type) C500-CE405.C200H Accessory Programming Console Adapter C200H-BP001..Short protection for 10-pin terminal block (package of 10 covers). 12 pts.Name: Screw Terminal Block with Relay Outputs.
Specifications: Outputs;
8 outputs; Contacts
"Easy" and "Flexible" system expansion,
with linked CC-Link and CompoNet.
Branching is easily made with CompoNet.
Wiring material cost can be reduced.
Bit-level I/O distribution reduces,
wiring in the system C500-CE405.
A wide variety of CompoNet Slave Units,
contribute to system size reduction.
Seven-segment Display on the Gateway Unit,
helps to detect errors on site.
The Participation Flags and Communications,
Error Flags can be checked at the Host,
Controller to detect the location and,
content of the error OMRON C500-CE405. I/O capacity/Mountable Units(Expansion Racks): 2, 560 points/40 Units (3 Expansion Racks max.).
Program capacity: 120K steps.
CJ1H-CPU66H Data memory capacity: 256K words(DM: 32K words, EM: 32K words × 7 bank).
LD instructioUnit classification: CJ1 CPU Bus Unit OMRON C500-CE405.
Specifications:Equipped with Master,
and Slave functionality.
Controls for up to 32,000 points per Master.
Communications:Remote I/O Communications,
Master (fixed allocations or user-set,
allocations) Remote I/O Communications,
Slave (fixed allocations or user-set,
allocations) Message communica29A; 24V,-- OMRON C500-CE405.
Smallest in the Industry!
A DeviceNet Unit for the,
CJ Series that Boasts Industry-leading,
Performance and Functions.
8 pts, No-voltage contact. PNP.SYSMAC LINK Units can be powered up two units in one unit.
One cable included with feeder.C500-OA I/O Unit Triac Output 24 pts C500-OA223(3G2A5-OA223).
AC250V 1A.Power supply: DC power supply.
Output method: Transistor output source type.
Inputs points: 24 points.
Outputs points: 16 points.Protector for Simple Expansion I/O Rack connector CV500-COV04Product name: CJ2H CPU Units.
Specifications: I/O capacity/Mountable Units(Expansion Racks),
2,560 points/40 Units(3 Expansion Racks max.) ;
Program capacity, 150K steps; Data memory capacity,
352K words(DM: 32K words, EM: 32K words × 10 banks);
LD nstructio execution time, 0.016 μs.
Current consumption(A): 5V,0.42(See note.); 24v, --.
Standards: UC1, N, L, CCE C500-CE405.
CJ2H for high speed, high capacity.
The CJ2H Series is ideal for advanced machine.
automation needs such as those required in image.
processing inspection of electrical components and,
high speed sorting on conveyors.