Model: C200H-OD211.
No. of points: 12 pts.
UM: 15.2K words.
DM: 6K words.
EM: 6K words.
Instruction processing time (basic instructions): 0.15 micro.s min.
No. of I/O points: 1, 184 points.
Max. no.of con-necting Expansion I/O Racks: 3 Racks.
Max. no. of connecting High-density I/O Units(i.e., Group-2): Unavailable.
Max. no. of con-necting Special I/O Units: 10 C200H-OD211.
RS-232C: NO.Model: C200HW-PA209R.
Supply voltage: 100 to 120 VAC, 200 to 240 VAC
Comments: With output contacts during operation.Model: C200H-OD213.
No. of points: 8 pts.
Specifications: 2.1 A, 24 VDC.Model: C200H-B7AI1.
I/O points: 16 points or 15points and 1 error input
Weight: 200g max.Model: C200H-MD501.
No. of I/O pts: 16 inputs, 16 outputs.
Specifications: 5 VDC.Model: C200HW-ME04K C200H-OD211.
Capacity: 4K words.Model: C200H-OD411.
No. of points: 8 pts.
Specifications: 1A, 12 to 48 VDC.Name: Connector.
Model: C200H-CE001.Model: C200H-IA121.
No. of inputs: 8 pts.
Input voltage: 100 to 120 VAC, +10%/–15%.
Input current: 10mA, 100VAC.
Isolation: Photo-coupler.
Indica-tor: LED.
External connec-tions: Remove-able termi-nal blocks.
Inputs percom-mon: 8 pts.
Internal currentcon-sump-tion: C200H Accessory Programming Console Adapter C200H-BP002 C200H-OD211. Model: C200H-OA224.
No. of points: 12 pts.
Specifications: 0.5 A, 250VAC.100 to 120/200 to 240 VAC (switchable), Wired.Model: C200H-BC031-V2.
No. of I/O slots: 3 slots.Model: C200H-IM212.
No. of inputs: 16 pts.
Input voltage: 24 VAC/DC, +10%/–15%.
Input current: 7mA, 24VDC.
Isolation: Photo-coupler.
Indica-tor: LED.
External connec-tions: Remove-able termi-nal blocks.
Inputs percom-mon: 16 pts.
Internal currentcon-sump-tion: 10mA Model: C200H-MR831.
Descriptionn: RAM, 8K words, battery back-up C200H-OD211. no clock.1 set (2 included).Model: C200H-IA122.
No. of inputs: 16 pts.
Input voltage: 100 to 120 VAC, +10%/–15%.
Input current: 10mA, 100VAC.
Isolation: Photo-coupler.
Indica-tor: LED.
External connec-ttions: Remove-able termi-nal blocks C200H-OD211.
Inputs percom-mon: 16 pts.
Internal currentcon-sump-tioModel: C200HW-COM03-V1.
Specifications: One RS-422/485 port.