C500-GP Accessory Peripheral Devices (GPC) Graphic Programming Console C500-GPC03-E.Model: C200HW-PA204S.
Supply voltage: 100 to 120 VAC, 200 to 240 VAC.
Comments: With 24-VDC service power supply.
Name: Three-tier Screw Terminal Block.
Specifications: Inputs; 8 inputs; NPN;
Without Short-circuit and,
Disconnected Line Detection CRT1-ID08TA.
"Easy" and "Flexible" system eexpansion,
with linked CC-Link and CompoNet.
Branching is easily made with CompoNet.
Wiring material cost can be reduced
Bit-level I/O distribution reduces,
wiring in the system.
A wide variety of CompoNet Slave Units,
contribute to system size reduction.
Seven-segment Display on the Gateway Unit,
helps to detect errors on site.
The Participation Flags and Communications,
Error Flags can be checked at the Host,
Controller to detect the location and,
content of the error CRT1-ID08TA. For 8-slot Backplane.C500-OA I/O Unit Triac Output 32 pts C500-OA225.
AC250V 1A.Unit type: CS1 CPU Bus Units.
compatible Position Control Unit OMRON CRT1-ID08TA.
Specifications: Control commands,
executed by MECHATROLINK-II,
synchronous communications.
Direct operation by ladder,
programming, Control mode:
Position control, speed control,
or torque control; No. of axes: 4.
No OMRON CRT1-ID08TA. of unit numbers allocated: 1.
Current consumption: 5V, 0.36A; 26V, --.
Standards: UC1, CE.
Decrease TCO with Simple Operation,
Reduced Wiring, Batch Settings,
and Batch Management.
Control Servos for up to 16 axes,
in a motion network with one Position,
Control Unit that supports MECHATROLINK-II OMRON CRT1-ID08TA.
MECHATROLINK-II is a registered trademark,
of the MECHATROLINK Members Association. C500-ID I/O Unit TTL Input Unit 32 pts C500-ID501CN(3G2A5-ID501CN).
DC5V 3.5mA. Power supply: AC power supply.
Output method: Relay output.
Inputs points: 6 points.
Outputs points: 4 points.Model: C500-CN222N.
Cable length 2m.
CV Series C Series Expansion ← → I / O device CPU Connecting cable(Vertical-wired)Unit type: CJ1 Basic I/O Units.
Product name: Relay Contact Output Units.
Specifications: Output type , --;
I/O points, 8 inputs;
Maximum switching capacity, 250VAC/24VDC, 2A;
Commons, Independent contacts;
External connection, Removable terminal block.
No. of words allocated: 1 word.
Current consumption: 5V, 0.09A; 24V, 0.048A max.
Standards: UC1, N, L, CE.
A Wide Range of Basic Output,
Units for High Speed Output,
and Different Applications.
These Outpuut Units receive the ,
results of output instructions ,
from the CPU Unit and perform ON/OFF,
control for external devices CRT1-ID08TA.
High-speed Output models CJ1W-OD213 and,
CJ1W-OD234 can help to increase system.